A simple device used to allow easier acces to the valve to inflate/deflate the tyres.
On one end of the 90° tube it has a standard Female Schrader valve that screws onto the existing tyre valve. The other end has the standard male Schrader valve common to most pumps and petrol stations. Once tyre pressure is achieved then unscrew the valve extension, replace the valve cap and your away riding again.
Specifications. Standard:
- 6.5mm diameter tube
- 36mm height
- Female Schrader valve
- Male Schrader valve
- valve cap
Specifications. Stubby:
- 6.5mm Diameter tube
- 23mm Height
- Female Schrader valve
- Male Schrader valve
- valve cap
DO NOT RIDE THE BIKE WITH THE 90° extension fitting attached.
Standard option in image
Height of stubby version will be added upon delivery of this new item.